
Ejada Translation



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When you are in urgent need of translating your documents into another language, it is better to hire professional translators who know how to provide excellent and high-quality services to you by contracting with translation centers.

Actually, very often, the websites dealing with these resources do not perform this task in detail. Therefore, there is a risk of making major mistakes that can affect the meaning of the sentence.

If you are looking for the top translation center professionally, continue reading this article in which we will show you the top translation agencies that you should consider.

Is traditional translation considered wrong compared to transcreation?

Recently, the term transcreation has appeared. Although the translation process itself is a creative process, it varies depending on the translator’s skills and experience but all translators don’t have the same skills. In this article, we will learn more about the difference between traditional translation and transcreation.

Traditional Translation or Regular translation:

It is the process of transferring meaning from the source language to another language, as well as transferring the culture of the target country, taking into account accuracy, the text is free of grammatical mistakes, and paying attention to punctuation marks. Some texts require accuracy and high quality, avoiding literal translation unless required.

Some fields require professional translation for example: legal, economic translation, and general translation. Professional translation aims to extract the target text as it is in the same style and with the same meaning. The translator should not introduce meanings not found in the source text.


It is considered a modern term because it combines translation and creativity and the text is not translated literally but translating the context as a whole, conveying its meaning, form, and style with the same effect to the reader or target audience. As well as using expressions and terminology creatively.

Creative translation specialists should have the skills and knowledge, be aware of the cultural differences between the source language and the target language, be more than just a linguist, have creative writing and composing skills, understand the spirit of the source text, and transfer it with creativity and skill.

Transcreation is also commonly used to translate advertising, marketing, and branding texts, as well as literary texts such as translating novels and poems. On the other hand, traditional translation as a general term transfers information accurately and clearly from the source to the target language.

Rates and times of traditional translation and Transcreation:

Transcreation takes longer and is more expensive than traditional translation. You are paying by the hour unlike traditional translation word by word translation, especially for creative or particularly long messages given the highly specialized nature of this service.

Some people think that traditional translation is a literal translation, while transcreation is a non-literal translation but this is a misunderstanding. If you want to translate and rewrite your text so that it suits the culture of your target audience. This is the time when you should think about transcreation. If you want a translation that transfer the meaning clearly and accurately without changing, a professional translation service is what you need.

In general, in traditional translation the information is transferred as accurately and clearly as possible. This is probably the service that most businesses and customers will need. While transcreation is new content with deeper meaning and greater creativity. This is what is provided by the translation centers company of “Ejada for Translation”.

Translation centers of “Ejada” for certified translation services also provide many other services such as legal translation, financial translation, technical translation, religious translation, medical and scientific translation, multimedia translation, business translation, subtitling, and high-quality website and game localization services.

What are the most important features you can benefit from your translation centers?

We have expert translators for each specific foelds

What features translation centers and makes them a forum for businessmen and students to translate their important documents is that they are able to provide customized services based on the customer’s needs. Translating legal text is not the same as copying content intended for e-commerce. This is why the top translation centers such as “Ejada” benefit from professional translators specialized in various fields, so that they can provide the best to their customer.

proofreading and Reviewing Texts

If you turn to our professional translation centers.

you will get a text that is flawless from all points of view.

There should be no mistakes or typos. Therefore, the best agencies proofread target texts by another specialist.

in order not to risk any oversights and to ensure maximum accuracy.

Clear Quotes and Transparent Rates

Unfortunately, nowadays not all professionals are transparent. It often happens that you agree to a quote and find yourself spending more than expected.

However, serious translation agencies can also be recognized by

this because they have maximum transparency and the rate is set per word.

Therefore, it is always possible to know exactly how much it will cost you.

Find out more/

Meet Deadlines

The last important aspect concerns meeting deadlines because you are.

often in a hurry and good translation centers should be able to guarantee the service on time. This is what makes us different from others. Call now and get your work done in the shortest time and at the lowest rate.0201101203800


You should know that there are many translation centers that help you hiring human translators. Consider using these services if you need to translate an official document such as a birth certificate or marriage certificate.

It’s also useful when you want to translate your document into a language you don’t know, such as English to French translation.

A human translator at “Ejada for Certified Translation” can ensure.

that the text says what you want it to say and ignores culturally critical terms .

and phrases. Call now and enjoy a translation according to the source text 0201101203800 .

Or visit our website to request the service https://www.ejadatranslate.com/

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