
Ejada Translation



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Translation is essential in our professional and daily lives,

because without it there will be a lack of knowledge of new studies and technological advances, and mainly,

there will be a linguistic barrier between people specifically in the globalized and dynamic world we live in today.

Therefore, the importance of the translator’s work in such a changing world is to help in the globalization of knowledge between different cultures. Without their help, we will not be able to access literature, education, international cooperation, and many other things that are necessary for life. There is no doubt that the need for a good translation has become an urgent necessity.

?Why Do We Not Recommend Using Translation Software

Translation Software does not consider the connection of words or the cultural and social context of the text as a basis for translations. Therefore, incoherent and inconsistent translations are made, sometimes even funny and comical. Translation is often required in sensitive situations whether for medical, educational, immigration, marriage, expansion, or foreign international business. For each of these situations, machine translation software is not a means to get an acceptable translation but will be full of errors. It can rely on machine translation by software and apps just to translate individual words or the meanings of names and simple things in this regard.

6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Translation

International language can pose huge barriers for companies expanding into global markets. Any differences in language can lead to misunderstandings that threaten brand image. The reasons why your business needs a translation are:

Improve Communication with Customers

The transactions of each global company involve communicating with current and new customers. The clarity with which the message is conveyed to each customer determines whether or not they buy from the company.

In addition, there is a possibility that a global business will communicate with people who do not understand the native language. Thus, the importance of translation is reflected in how well the original message is translated into the customer’s specific language so that it can resonate with it. By professional business translation services, you can ensure that your brand message is clearly understood and not misinterpreted by customers.

Improve Your Brand Image

Expanding your business abroad is the best way to maximize market access. However, it is noted that most customers refrain from dealing with brands whose digital content cannot be read in their native language. Thus, having language-friendly content is crucial to getting your customers to stick to your website and improving your brand image.

For e-commerce companies, writing their product descriptions in different national languages in the countries where they operate is important.

By professional language translation services, you can translate your content in several ways, making customers feel comfortable with your company’s offers. Once they start buying, your brand value will increase. It will also make your brand image among other competitors globally.

Avoiding Misunderstanding

This is one of the main reasons why translation is important in business. When dealing with customers abroad, it is common to distort and misunderstand your message.

This misunderstanding can cast a bad shadow over your brand. Fortunately, with professional translation services, it is easy to translate your content well while keeping such issues away.

Legal and Foreign Policy

Every business has some legal and foreign policy documents that shall be clear and understandable. These documents often include important details related to accountability and compliance measures. Thus, they shall be accurately translated to avoid unexpected repercussions.

Professional business translators understand the importance of these documents. They apply carefully to ensure that every piece of information is appropriately transmitted.

Helping the Medical Industry

The real importance of language translation is shown in the medical industry. Companies in this industry use scientific terminology that requires expert translators with knowledge of the language of the field.

Smooth External Business Transactions

Last but not least, professional business translation ensures smooth business transactions. Many people and groups are often involved in business transactions, which include stakeholders, government, employees, and customers.

For a hassle-free transaction, there shall be a proper understanding of the different people involved in the work,

and with language differences, these can be important. Professional translators ensure that there is no conflict and that every message is delivered effectively and sensitively.

?What Is a Good Translation, and How Can It Be Measured

  • The first term for a good translation is to transfer the same content of the source text to the target language while taking into account not adding any ideas of adding or deleting, and also keeping expressions, turns, and terms correctly transmitted. Given that the original text was created for a specific purpose and a specific audience, it was necessary to respect the spirit and purpose of the original text so that the translation had the same effect. In addition to observing the spelling, didactic, grammar, and punctuation rules of the target language, all of this shall be respected and taken into account in any translation performed in the work. Text layout and organization is also one of the factors that directly affect the success or failure of a translation.
  • We cannot forget the issues related to formatting, nor the questions related to images, graphics, and diagrams that often contain source texts. In addition, in some conditions, you also have to pay attention to layout. Therefore, it is convenient for the layout specialist to work closely with translators, and for the customer and translator to agree in advance on issues that directly affect the graphic layout of the text.
  • We live in the age of ICT, so there is no doubt that computer media helps a lot in the translation process; nowadays, almost all translators use CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) tools. Translation Memories (TM) are one of the best-known tools, but we should not forget the glossaries or applications that help to review quality standards, as they are necessary to ensure the coherence of the text. Finally, translation process management tools are increasingly being used, which, among other advantages, greatly facilitates the relationship with the customer.

In short

  • it is important to treat the document translation with at least the same care with which the original texts are made. In other words, if the source text is written following quality guidelines, we should do the same in the case of translation. Therefore, it is advised to follow the quality standards set to control the translation process accurately.
  • Any wrong or misinterpreted information can cause long-term effects. It can mean the difference between tragedy and victory. Thus, working with professional translation service providers is crucial.

Get 100% Accurate Translating from “Ejada for Certified Translation” Experts

“Ejada for Certified Translation” is one of the most prominent

translation companies that you can rely on to obtain the most 24 professional services for organizations, companies, and individuals. You can contact us via phone or WhatsApp on (0201101203800) or via e-mail at (info@www.ejadatranslate.com)

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