
Ejada Translation



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Many people and companies search for accredited Certified Translation Center to obtain the best professional tourist translation service, given the importance of tourist translation at the present time, but the task of searching for such centers is not an easy matter, due to the spread of many centers that are not accredited and therefore do not provide professional services. Absolutely. In the following lines, we will learn together about the most important ways to find the best accredited tourist Certified Translation Center

Why should you be sure that the tourist Certified Translation Center is Certified?

If you are looking for tourist translation services, you must ensure that you resort to an accredited office that provides you with this service. Obtaining an accredited service guarantees obtaining a professional, accurate translation that is far from any error, and thus you can use it for any purpose. Certified Translation Center being accredited means that it is trusted by various agencies, institutions and embassies, which means that it is an office that provides good and distinguished services. There are many advantages that you can obtain immediately upon requesting a certified translation service, the most important of which are:

  • Accurate translation is perfectly identical to the original text.
  • Translation acceptable to many different entities and institutions.
  • Good formulation and use of powerful methods and words.
  • Linguistic scrutiny and spelling.
  • Good grammar review.

Ejada for Certified Translation Office is the best for tourist Certified Translation Center where you can order a lot of tourist translation services with confidence and make sure you get a good and excellent service and you can order that service by communicating via WhatsApp (0201101203800), or via email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).

To learn more:

How can you make sure the Certified Translation Center is certified?

Having a robust Web site

Websites are a big part of a corporate identity, and having a strong website for the office you will deal with means that it is an office that already exists and offers professional services and not just amateurs who waste their time in any business.

List of embassies and their accredited entities

You must ensure that there is actual accreditation with embassies and entities, by requesting accreditation certificates of credit for translation.

There is a strong and distinctive earlier body of work

People’s trust and past experiences give more credibility to Certified Translation Center, confirming that they are certified.

Having feedback for previous customers

The mere existence of a large group of those who have benefited from the translation services of the office that you will request and give positive feedback on their successful experience with the request for these services means that this office is accredited because many of them of course used these translations and provided them to different entities and embassies and were accepted.

Ejada Translation Center is the most important and best office for certified translation to all bodies and embassies so never hesitate to communicate with them and request your special service by communicating via WhatsApp (0201101203800), or via email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).

Best Certified Tourist Translation Center

Ejada Translation Center, which has the international accreditation stamp from the Federal Arab Federation of Translators No. 21500, that is the best certified office in general and is characterized by providing tourism translation services in particular. The office has more than 12 years of experience in translation as a whole, which has made it a reliable center and has included a team that has exceeded 70 translators in different languages and disciplines, making them eligible to offer all kinds of translation differently.

Besides the office’s interest in training its translators and qualifying them permanently and continuously on the latest methods of translation and providing all appropriate means and courses that enable them to weigh down their skills and provide translation services in the best form.

Important skills that Ejada Translation Center translators possess

Full knowledge of the languages from and to which it is translated

The work of Ejada Translation Office is characterized by specialization. Each translator in the team is familiar with everything related to the source language from which he translates Every translator in the team is familiar with everything related to the source language as well as the target language to which he translates. The principle of specialization gives each interpreter the opportunity to weigh his skills in the languages in which he belongs and works.

Master the Translator’s Auxiliary Programs

There are some programs that help the translator to translate more professionally and accurately, distinguishing each translator from the other from their interest in and treatment of those programs. Because Ejada Translation Office is very careful to develop its team of translators, there is a keen interest in the office management to provide those programs to the team members and provide the necessary courses that make them abler to use them.

Master the Office’s programs and speed of writing on them

It is important for the translator to master Office programs because he uses them constantly and must be quick to use it in order to complete his work in less time.

Compliance with delivery deadlines

The most important thing that each client requests when requesting different translation services from the translation center is the need for the office to be committed to providing the service in a timely manner. In order for the office to deliver in a timely manner, each member of the team must meet the deadlines set earlier.

Good Google Search

A translator will never dispense with research in different fields as he completes translation processes to understand more about the areas in which he translates and the terminology that is used so that his translation is not a literal translation.

Good reader

Whenever the translator is very informed and a good reader in all information, whenever this makes his translation rich and distinct. A good translator is distinguished by the fact that he is very informed which ensures you have a distinct translation service besides being accurate and professional.

Observation strength and focus in detail

It is important that the translation be accurate and fully identical to the original, and what distinguishes the professional translator from others is the speed of the intuition and his interest in the small details contained in the original text, his accurate knowledge of the punctuation marks and their respective purposes so that he can understand everything the writer intends more accurately.

Strict confidentiality in his work

Honesty and confidentiality are very important and one of the skills that a professional translator must have is that everything about clients must be kept in full confidentiality.

Scientific and Literary Secretariat

The translator must have a high scientific and literary trust to transmit the text as it is without adding any opinions or being influenced by any personal beliefs and whims.

This excellent team can work side by side to offer your own and professional service with excellence when you request the service you can communicate with them by communicating via WhatsApp (0201101203800), or via email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com ).

To learn more:

The tourist translation services are multiple at Ejada Translation Office.

where the office team is keen to provide all services related to tourist translation, and the most important services provided by the Office of Tourist Translation:

Translation of press releases for famous attractions

If you want to travel for your summer vacation in any of the foreign countries.

It is important to learn about the famous attractions in that country so .

that you plan your trip well and identify the destinations and visits you will visit so.

that you do not miss something special there, preparing a tentative plan.

and knowing everything about your destination enables you to enjoy your journey further. You will not find a better source to learn more .

about your destination than the press releases issued by these landmarks to speak for its.

Translation of promotional advertising materials for tourism

Media in different countries are interested in producing .

various advertising materials such as brochures, booklets, posters.

and other propaganda materials that develop tourism and familiarize tourists around the world with their attractions. Ejada Translation Office provides translation services for those materials well.

Content of travel, tourism and hospitality sites

There are many sites that are interested in providing information.

about tourism and different attractions as well as providing travel experiences and excursions to different countries.

So if you are a tourist site owner, you need to translate .

the content of your site to attract more visitors from around the world.

Ejada Translation Office is distinguished by providing professional translation.

of the content of tourist sites without prejudice to the rules of SEO.

Lists of services for restaurants and hotels

You can also request a translation of the lists of restaurants.

and hotels you intend to go to so that you can determine your budget from the beginning .

and determine which restaurants and hotels suit you.

This is not only what you can get from tourist translation services through Ejada Translation Center.

but there are many other services that you can get, the most important of which are:

  • Translation of indicative signs at airports and tourist resorts.
  • Translation of videos and informational materials.
  • Translation of contracts, conventions and tenders.
  • Translation of shipping documents, airports and express carriers.
  • Translation of tourist guide manuals.
  • Translate booking platforms.
  • Translate online advertising.
  • Translate hotel websites.
  • Translate hotel guidelines and all tourist files.
  • Translation of promotions’ publications.
  • Translation of insurance documents.

You can now order any of these services by communicating via WhatsApp (0201101203800), or by email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com(.

To learn more:

  • Obtaining professional, certified and reliable translation with all bodies.
  • Having a tremendous team of highly experienced translators and different disciplines work together to provide you with the best service.
  • The possibility of receiving the translation on the same day.
  • Having a free sample translation service to make sure the quality and professionalism of the translation.
  • Having a strong business precedent makes the team able to offer any kind of translation in various fields.
  • Having a lot of feedback from previous customers who got the service you can see to make sure the quality of service you will get.
  • Having strong and continuous customer service even after delivery of work.
  • Quotations are suitable for everyone.


For certified translation and accepted by different bodies and embassies, it is accurate and completely error-free.

It is essential to request the services of the certified translation center “Ejada Translation“.

where you find a full team of professionals who work hard to deliver you the best service.

you can communicate with them and request a special service by communicating via WhatsApp (0201101203800).

or by email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).

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