
Ejada Translation



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Having a certified translator in Oman that you can rely on to translate the different types of translations you need is very important. A certified translator can help you accomplish many different tasks in your field of study, work, or other things you need in your daily life.

The most important types of translation that you can obtain by cooperating with a certified translator in Oman

There are many types of academic, literary, legal, scientific, and other translations, and each type has its own requirements. Here are some of them:

Technical Translation

It is an important translation that requires specific skills because it is related to technology and technologies that are constantly evolving. Legal translation is concerned with translating terms, numbers, etc. The certified translator must have extensive experience in this field in order for the translation to be completed correctly. There are some technical challenges facing a translator, and he must also have some skills. Here are some of them.

Difficulties facing a certified translator in Oman in technical translation:

  • Translation of terms: Terms are the most important element in technology, and the most important things on which that translation is based. A simple error in it causes a major error, as it is the focus of technical translation.
  • Continuous technical development: This makes it necessary for the translator to follow continuous developments and stay aware of everything new, so that he can provide rich, accurate translations that are closer to what is happening in reality.
  • Abundance of abbreviations: One of the most important features of technical terms is the abundance of abbreviations in them, so the translator must be familiar with these terms and their abbreviations in order for his translation to be correct and accurate.
  • Abundance of numbers and symbols: The translator must be aware of what the numbers and symbols indicate so that he can translate them correctly.
  • Literal translation and not relying on translation by meaning: Technical translation is one of the types of translations that rely on literal translation, and it is not permissible to translate text with its meaning, which would burden the translator with the task of being familiar with everything that the terms, symbols, signs, etc. indicate, so that his translation is accurate.

Skills that must be available for technical translation by a certified translator in Oman and elsewhere

  • Culture and continuous knowledge, especially in the field of technology.
  • Possessing the computer capabilities and tools that help him complete the translation process in the best possible way.
  • High linguistic proficiency and the ability to adapt the language and formulate it appropriately for the technical field.
  • Patience and perseverance in learning and continuous follow-up of never-ending technical development.
  • Flexibility and ability to face difficulties.

You can seek help from Ejada Translation Office, as it has an integrated team with extensive experience in multiple fields, which helps provide the best certified translation service. To request Ejada Translation services, contact us via WhatsApp (0201101203800), or Email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).


It is the direct oral translation of a conversation, and it takes place in conferences and direct meetings, where the translator facilitates the dialogue between two people, each of whom speaks a language other than the other. The role of the translator is to convey the words of the person speaking in the language of the addressee. There are some skills required of the interpreter, as well as some problems that he faces.

Skills that a certified translator in Oman must have for Interpretation

  • Quick wit and good behavior.
  • Good listening and constant focus.
  • Extensive experience in that field.
  • The ability to analyze, link the talk together, and read the speakers’ ideas.
  • The ability to rephrase professionally and quickly.
  • Knowledge and good research on the topic of the talk that he will translate so that he is fully prepared to solve any problem he encounters during the talk.

Difficulties facing a certified translator in Oman for Interpretation

  • Speed of speech makes it necessary for the translator to concentrate continuously.
  • Mention some strange terms.
  • Strange accent of some speakers.

The importance of interpretation

  • It helps in exchanging cultures between countries.
  • It contributes to the transmission of important events and conferences around the world.
  • Increase communication between the world’s population.

You can seek help from Ejada Translation Office, as it has an integrated team with extensive experience in multiple fields, which helps provide the best certified translation service. To request Ejada Translation services, contact us via WhatsApp (0201101203800), or Email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com):

Commercial Translation

People have many needs for translation in their daily commercial dealings, and among the most important institutions that need commercial translation are banks when they are, for example, the intermediary between a buyer who wants to buy his goods from a foreign country, as well as commercial institutions that they rely on in import and export operations, and commercial translation is more of a translation of meaning than a literal one. Therefore, it is important to deal with a certified translator in Oman.

Media Translation

Or journalistic translation, which is also useful in exchanging cultures, following up on events happening around the world, and constantly knowing its news. By translating political and artistic news, war news, and commercial situations around the world, and there are many means through which media translation is done, such as satellite channels, newspapers, magazines, the internet, and others.

Written Translation

It is translating the text as it is, so the writer is committed to transferring the same words into the target language, and adhering to the same style of the writer in writing it, and the writer must never deviate from the original text.

The types of translation are many and different and difficult to mention, but you can learn more types of translations from here.

Is the culture of the translator important for translation?

It is important for a person to be highly cultured and always knowledgeable, and the translator needs this more. The greater the translator’s culture, the greater the quality, accuracy, and mastery of the translation. Translation is the process of transferring the content of texts from one language to another. Each country has its own culture, and the translator is familiar with the culture of the people of the language helps him understand the purposes and content of that text, and this broad culture requires constant reading, knowledge, and accumulation of experience for the translator, so it is good when searching for a certified translator in Oman to make sure of the degree of culture and experience of that person, and culture is not the only thing the translator needs for his translation to be accurate and good. But there are many other important skills, including:

  • The translator knows well source language and target language.
  • The broad culture in both languages, as we mentioned.
  • Good research ability.

It is worth noting that Ejada Translation Office has an integrated team with extensive experience in multiple fields, which helps provide the best certified translation service. To request Ejada Translation services, contact us via WhatsApp (0201101203800), or Email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).

Correct Translation Steps

The most important steps that the translator must follow in the translation process:

  • Good and comprehensive reading of the entire text.
  • Analyze the text carefully and try to understand its aspects through research and analysis.
  • Translating the text itself.
  • Read the translated text more than once to make the necessary modifications.
  • Paraphrasing the translated text, replacing weak words and wording with strong ones.
  • Linguistic and grammatical checking of the text if the translation is into Arabic.
  • Review the rules if the translation is not Arabic.
  • Adjust punctuation marks.
  • Quick final review.

Can I use Google Translate to translate what I want?

We mentioned that the quality and accuracy of translation depends on the broad culture, necessary experiences, and special skills that a certified translator in Oman must have. So, does Google have these data so that we can rely on it to obtain a good, accurate, and acceptable translation?

Of course not. Therefore, you cannot rely on Google to obtain important translations, unless they are simple translations that you personally need and will not submit to competent authorities.

You can seek help from Ejada Translation Office, as it has an integrated team with extensive experience in multiple fields, which helps provide the best certified translation service. To request Ejada Translation services, contact us via WhatsApp (0201101203800), or Email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).

What is the importance of certified translation?

If you submit translated documents to an embassy, institution, or government agency, those documents will not be accepted unless they are approved by embassies and private authorities. The approval of these documents by the competent authorities means the extent of their reliability, quality, and freedom from errors. Offices are not approved for nothing, but rather after Many of the papers and documents that the office submits to the competent authorities indicate its eligibility for that accreditation, and therefore the office is under constant supervision from those embassies, which makes the accredited offices the best and most reliable authority you can rely on for your translations.

You can use a certified translation team at Ejada Translation Office, as it has an integrated team with extensive experience in multiple fields, which helps provide the best certified translation service. To request Ejada Translation services, contact via WhatsApp (0201101203800), or Email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).

How do you know if the office is certified or not?

Very simply, you can request an accreditation certificate from .

that office and verify the accreditation yourself and know the institutions that accredit that office.

Entities that request certified translations

Those requesting certified translations include government.

institutions such as universities and schools.

embassies in different countries, ministries and government institutions, labor offices, banks and international companies.

Is it better to cooperate with a certified translator in Oman or a certified translation office in Oman?

We mentioned that the quality of translation depends on the person’s extensive experiences.

and different cultures, so dealing with an accredited translation office is better.

than dealing with a certified translator in Oman, for several reasons, including:

  • Presence of a complete team with multiple experiences and cultures.
  • Obtaining a notarized and approved translation from various authorities and institutions.
  • Having a fixed headquarters and a notarized website.
  • Having a strong and diverse work history in various fields.
  • Presence of techniques and tools that the office uses to obtain a good translation.

The best places that have a certified translator in Oman

Ejada Translation Office is the best and most important office .

that provides a notarized and certified translation service.

and it has a strong team of certified translators who work side by.

side to deliver you the best accurately translated document.

Advantages of dealing with Ejada Translation Office

  • Get suitable price quotes.
  • Receive the translated file as quickly as possible.
  • Having extensive experience exceeding 12 years.
  • Having a strong work history in all fields.
  • Having strong reviews from many previous customers.
  • To learn more about the advantages of dealing with Ejada Office, the guarantees you will receive, and the company’s vision, mission and message, click here.


In order to obtain an accurate, good and certified translation service.

do not hesitate to contact Ejada Translation Office via WhatsApp (0201101203800).

or send a message to the Email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).

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