
Ejada Translation



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Professional translation is a commonly used term, so what is the difference between professional and non-professional translation? What are the factors that make a translation professional or not? We will discuss all of this and more in the following lines.

Importance of getting a professional translation and How to get it?

Translation is the conversion of speech from one language to another. The quality of the translated content can be distinguished into professional or non-professional according to the quality of that translation and the extent to which it is close to the original meaning of the native language, the quality of the wording, and so on from the standards that distinguish the translation and give it the title of professional translation. These standards include:

  • Attention to good wording and appropriate consistency of translated content.
  • Attention to proofreading.
  • Attention to translating terms to what is closest to them in the language they are translated to and avoiding verbal translation.
  • Maintain the same style as the original content.
  • Coherence and consistency of elements and meanings.
  • Honesty and neutrality when translating and avoiding personal opinions and whims.
  • If the translation is scientific, it is important to pay attention to the availability of approved sources and references during the translation.

How to get a professional translation?

To get a professional translation, it is important to cooperate with certified and specialized translation offices that have a lot of previous experience in different fields. Certified translation offices are characterized by:

  • It is certified by many different authorities and bodies, certainly approved by the competent authorities.
  • Ensure that it is a professional, reliable translation and as close as possible to the original content.
  • The fact that the translation is certified means that it is a legally documented translation.

How to make sure that the translation office is certified?

By dealing with a certified translation office, you ensure to get a professional, reliable translation that is approved by various authorities. However, you shall first ensure that the office you intend to deal with to get your translation is a certified translation office. You can confirm this in several steps, the most important of which are:

  • Verify the actual presence of the office, whether a website or a headquarters on the ground.
  • Know all the details of the office.
  • Contact the office directly and request the necessary guarantees.
  • Review previous works.
  • Review the opinions of previous customers.
  • Ask to see the professional license of the translation office.

It is worth noting that Ejada for Translation holds a professional translation license from the Arab Federation. You can request a professional translation service approved by most authorities, organizations and embassies by contacting via WhatsApp (0201101203800), or sending an e-mail (info@www.ejadatranslate.com)

Ejada is the best office that provides you a professional and certified translation service

There are many translation offices and independent translators, but when looking for an office that specializes in providing professional and certified translation services; Your first and most appropriate destination is Ejada for Translation, for these reasons:

  • A certified office in most embassies around the world.
  • It holds a professional translation license from the Arab Federation.
  • Have previous experience in translating many documents in different fields.
  • Ability to translate to and from many different languages.
  • Many opinions from previous customers that indicate the quality of provided services.
  • It provides appropriate and easy means of communication and provides customer service throughout the day.

Professional translation services provided by Ejada Translation Office

There are many types of translation that you can request from Ejada for Translation, the most important of which are:

Professional translation of Scientific Research

The experience of more than 12 years in the field of scientific research translation makes Ejada one of the best offices that you can rely on in this type of translation. The translation of scientific research is one of the most difficult types of translation due to the large number of scientific terms and the need for the accuracy of that translation without others, so it needs special skills and different specializations in all fields. This is what we find in the team of translators in Ejada for Translation.

You can request a professional translation service for scientific research by contacting the best team of specialists in Ejada for Translation via WhatsApp (0201101203800), or sending an email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).

Legal Professional Translation

Legal translation is one of the most important translations that shall be certified and highly professional, considering that there are many difficulties that translators face during the legal translation. The most important of these difficulties are:

  • Legal terms vary from one language to another, so the translator shall be well versed in legal terms between the two languages translated to and from.
  • The methods of translating contracts vary from one language to another, which obliges the translator to familiarize himself with the special laws between the two countries that have the languages translated to and from.
  • Laws differ from one country to another, which makes it important for the translator to be familiar with the laws in the countries in which he translates.

Legal translation is never easy and is one of the translations that need specialists in the legal field. Ejada for Translation has a team of specialists in all fields, including legal, whom you can use to get the best professional legal translation service by contacting via WhatsApp (0201101203800), or sending an e-mail (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).Find out more:

Certified Medical Translation

Medical translation is one of the most professional types of translation, so it is important when choosing an office to carry out the medical translation to be highly qualified and experienced in providing this type of translation. It is good that in Ejada we find a team of medical staff who provide this translation. There are some types of medical translation that you can request from Ejada for Translation:

  • Translation of medical reports.
  • Translation of x-rays and analyses.
  • Translation of medical books and articles.
  • Prescription translation and medical examinations.
  • Translation of medical abbreviations and research.

You can request a certified medical translation service from Ejada Translation Office, by contacting via WhatsApp (0201101203800), or sending an email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).

Financial Translation

One of the most common types of translations due to the need of some people to deal with it in banks and financial institutions, as well as when importing or exporting. It is important that this translation is completely accurate and there is no room at all for error in it. Because most of the transactions that need financial translation are with official institutions, no translation is accepted unless it is reliable and certified, and among the financial documents that the Ejada’s team translates:

  • Translation of financial statements prepared in foreign currencies.
  • Translation of bank and tax documents.
  • Translation of government, personal and cash flow data.
  • Annual reports of companies and profit and loss reports.
  • Financial and economic research and books.
  • Public balances and banking sciences.

Ejada for Translation team is characterized by having a team of specialists in financial translation trained at the highest level and fully prepared to provide the best financial translation service. You can request the financial translation service from Ejada for Translation, by cotacting via WhatsApp (00201101203800), or sending an email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).

These are not the only translations that Ejada for Translation is characterized by, but the office offers all types of translations in all fields, and you can read more about translation services of all kinds from Ejada. Ejada team consists of specialized and highly trained cadres to provide all services, which makes it the perfect choice that you can trust and rely on. Never hesitate to request professional, distinguished and certified translation services from Ejada for Translation.

What are the prices of professional translation services in Ejada?

The prices of translation services in Ejada vary according to the size of the text to be translated.

its specialization, the degree of difficulty and ease.

but what distinguishes the office is that its prices are the best ever .

and one of the cheapest types of translation that are characterized by.

their high accuracy and this is the testimony of customers.

Moreover, there are permanent and constantly renewed quotations.

so never hesitate to request your service and be aware that you will get the best.

and most accurate distinguished service with the best quote.

In Conclusion, It may be difficult to obtain a professional and certified translation with the best price offer.

but Ejada for Translation team was able to achieve this with excellence.

It was able to provide translation services that get the admiration of everyone and are approval to all official authorities.

while providing special quotations that impressed all customers who previously obtained this service.

You are also one of those who get distinguished services at .

the best prices if you request a professional translation service from.

Ejada for Translation, by contacting via WhatsApp (0201101203800), Or sending an email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com)

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