
Ejada Translation



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It is important to search very carefully and be careful when looking for translation offices for scientific books. Scientific books translation have their own privacy over others, because they are the key through which we reach other cultures and different experiences, know the foundations and rules of science, and follow what science discovers first.

What is scientific translation? Why do some people care about the process of translating scientific books?

Scientific translation means transferring the content of cultural, literary, scientific, and other books in various sciences from their mother tongue to another language. The owner of the book itself or the publishing house that deals with it may be interested in doing this process in order to open new markets for his book around the world, which increases his fame and sales and allows him to transfer his ideas and experiences are shared by everyone around the world.

This process may be carried out by owners of the language into which it is translated to enrich their content in various sciences, or publishing houses may translate a book that has proven successful around the world so that they can benefit from its success, and this is done in agreement with the original publishing houses of the book and taking into account copyrights.

Why should you be careful when translating scientific books? What are the characteristics of a good translator?

It is never appropriate to translate scientific books literally, and if that happens, it is a completely unsuitable translation and should not be relied upon to receive information or know the experiences of others.

Because scientific books have a specificity that requires their translation to be carried out by specialists who are experts in the field of translation in general, and the field from which translation is done and to which it is done in particular, as it is a field that never allows simple errors in that process.

Characteristics of a good translator that must be taken into consideration when choosing a translator to work on translating scientific books

  • Terms are frequently used in scientific books, and it is important to translate them into the corresponding term in Arabic and not translate them as ordinary words. It is a good idea to look for a translator who specializes in the field from which you want to translate.
  • General understanding of the translated book field so that the speech is logical and closer to the real text.
  • The translator must have the scientific and moral integrity that allows him to transmit the texts as they are and not translate according to his opinions and beliefs.
  • The translator cares about a quick reading of the book he will work on, as well as the footnotes and endnotes in order to have a general picture of the text.
  • Read:

You can request a scientific books translation service, to hire a team of good translators, from Ejada Translation Office via WhatsApp (00201101203800), or Email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).

Is it important to deal with a specialist in translating scientific books? What conditions must he meet?

Of course, it is important to hire a translator and a specialist in the field of translating scientific books due to the importance of this process, as we mentioned above, so that the text is translated accurately and is as close as possible to the original text.

Looking for a specialized company to do this is better than dealing with a single translator. Because the company has a team of specialists in many fields and it has a lot of experience necessary to do so.

Conditions that you must ensure are met by the translation office you intend to deal with: –

  • Having sufficient experience to carry out this process.
  • Having different specializations among the team members, which enriches the translation process.
  • Having a strong work history that you can review.
  • It shall be a translation office accredited by the competent authorities.
  • Having a permanent follow-up before and after receiving the translated book.
  • Having reviews from previous customers thanking you for their service.

To request a translation service for scientific books from a specialized team that has sufficient experience to provide you with a distinguished and accurate service, do not hesitate to contact Ejada Translation Office via WhatsApp (0201101203800), or Email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).

How long does the process of translating a scientific book take? What are the steps for translating a scientific text?

The time it takes to translate a scientific book varies according to the number of pages of that book, the degree of difficulty of the text, as well as the translator performing the translation process and his degree of experience in the field of translation in general and translating scientific books in particular.

Therefore, if you want to obtain a scientific books translation service as quickly as possible, it is best to deal with a specialized translation office. Where you will find a full team working to provide your service in the best way and in the fastest time, and Ejada Translation Office is considered one of the most important and best offices in providing book translation services in general and scientific books in particular.

What are the steps for translating a scientific text?

The accuracy and quality of the translated text depends on the person who performs the translation process first, then the steps he follows during the translation process. Of course, these steps differ from one person to another, and the most important of these steps are:

  • Read the text completely and analyse it.
  • Research well about the idea of the text and try to understand it well.
  • Next comes the step of translating the text itself.
  • Review the wording of what has been translated and ensure the quality of the words and accuracy of the terminology that was used during the translation.
  • After reviewing the wording, it is the process of replacing weak words and expressions with stronger and more appropriate ones.
  • Checking the grammar of the text if the translation is into Arabic, and ensuring the correctness of the rules and others if the translation is not into Arabic.
  • Linguistic checking and placing periods, commas, exclamation and question marks in their correct places to increase the aesthetic appearance of the text and to facilitate the process of understanding the texts.

Read also:

To obtain the best and fastest scientific books translation service, do not hesitate to contact best text translation website Translation Office via WhatsApp (00201101203800), or Email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).

The best offices that provide scientific books translation services in the Arab world

We mentioned above the most important conditions that must be met by good scientific translation offices, and all of these conditions and more are met by Ejada Translation Office, as it is one of the most important and best offices accredited by most embassies. The office also holds the international seal of accreditation from the Arab Federal Union of Translators No. 21500, and upon your request for the service. You will enjoy good and reliable service.

The languages which Ejada Translation Office translated into and from

Ejada Translation Office can provide translation services for scientific books in particular and all types of general fields in most languages. The office has a complete team specialized in different languages around the world that carries out this process to the fullest extent. Learn more about the available languages from here.

The price of translating a scientific book from Ejada Translation Office

The prices of the service at Ejada Office vary according to the degree of specialization, the difficulty of the field of text, and the number of pages of the text to be translated, but in any case, whatever the text you want to translate, we promise you that once you request that service from Ejada Translation Office, you will find a full team of experts who work hard to provide good and accurate service and excellent follow-up after receiving the text, and with those features that you will get, you will find all of this at special prices with many endless offers and discounts.

You can learn more about the company’s vision, mission and goals from here.

and from here learn about the guarantees that the company offers you.

To obtain the best medical book translation service from a fully specialized team.

and to benefit from the largest price offers that suit you.

do not hesitate to contact Ejada Translation Office, via WhatsApp (00201101203800), or Email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).

If you are a writer or novelist, how does a scientific books translation service help you spread?

In the modern age, the idea of ​​the rapid spread of everything has become faster than lightning.

and what falls under rapid spread is the spread of electronic books and novels.

If you are a writer and have not yet benefited from this process.

then you have missed out on the wide fame and high income that.

will accrue to you from increasing your sales online.

Recently, e-book selling websites have spread like wildfire, such as Google Books, Amazon.

and other famous websites, which has made it important for every writer to be interested in .

translating his books or novels and offering them for sale on those websites.

which opens global markets for the writer and helps in his fame, people knowing him.

and conveying his opinions, and his ideas to more people.

Here, the scientific books translation service plays its role in completing this process .

because the more accurate and distinctive the translation service is.

the easier it is for the writer to transfer his publications to global markets.

the more his reputation will spread among people around the world.

and the more people will be interested in reading his various publications.

The best e-book selling websites

There are many e-book selling websites, here are some of them:

And other famous and reliable websites.

Therefore, if you are a writer or novelist.

do not hesitate for a moment to take this step and strive towards internationalism. The steps are very easy and do not require you to hesitate at all. All you have to do is translate your literary or scientific publication.

into more than one language and display it on the various websites.

If you want to get the best translation of your book or literary work.

do not hesitate to contact Ejada Translation Office via WhatsApp (00201101203800), or Email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).

How do scientific books translation services benefit scientific researcher?

Scientific researcher is in constant need of enriching his research with good and distinctive content. Therefore, research should never be limited to one language and one source. The more research there is and the more sources there are, the greater the quality of scientific research. Hence, the scientific researcher should search for different sources in different languages.

The process of translating scientific books helps the researcher do this a lot.

as the researcher can search for their content in any language, whatever it is.

and seek the help of specialized translators to translate the sources .

and research that he wants to use and use them to enrich his research with various information and sources.

This is not only what the scientific researcher benefits from the services of translating scientific books.

but he can also translate his research into different languages and publish it on websites concerned with scientific research.

He benefits from this by being a well-known researcher, and the more proficient he is in his field.

the more his reputation will spread and he will become one of the trustworthy researchers.

and international universities may seek help from him.

and of course the good translation process of his research greatly increases these opportunities.

In the end, translating scientific books is a matter of extreme importance and accuracy.

and Care must be taken when embarking on the scientific translation process.

and be careful about requesting the service until you.

are sure that you will receive it in the best form, to get the best translation for your scientific research.

so do not hesitate at all to contact Ejada Translation Office via WhatsApp (0201101203800), or Email (info@www.ejadatranslate.com).

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