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Literary translation is clearly very different from any other type of translation, due to the volume of texts that distinguish the endeavors of this type of translation. Processing paragraphs with hundreds of thousands of words is not an easy task, and it is absolutely difficult to try to reformulation the poetic text in another language without losing the splendor of the source text.

One of the biggest challenges in the field of literary translation is to maintain a balance between the original work and create a completely unique paragraph that provokes the same reactions as the source text. Certainly, even a single word can lead to an imbalance in meaning, which is the view of any literary translator, because the author chooses a particular word for a particular reason, so it is up to the translator to ensure that it is correctly worded in the target language. But what happens if there is no direct translation or multiple options in different meanings? What about the cost of translating a literary book?

Most common literary translation errors?

When it comes to literary translation, it is important to capture feelings and emotion from the text, not just the literal meaning of words. It can be difficult to try to translate a book accurately without losing the true meaning of the book.

Here are seven errors made by literary translators and how to avoid them:

literal translations

Translating the text word for word would certainly change the source text meaning completely.

Exaggeration of the meaning of words

Effective translation should not overemphasize a word using more than one word, which could change the meaning.

Relying heavily on translation programmers

Software cannot always contextualization, recognize narrative tones and formula or identify emotional states, resulting in loss of text spirit.

Misunderstanding the context of the word

If the interpreter misunderstands the context in which the word is used, it will translate it differently than may change the original meaning.

Misunderstood the formula

It is often very difficult to accurately convey the formula used in the source text, as it can change continuously.

Ignore cultural differences

Translation without taking into account cultural differences can lead to poor attitudes.

More than a decade ago, it emerged that books published translated in the United States were only 3%. However, the industry has experienced steady growth. Among the top 10 languages on the translated list are Japanese, Swedish, Arabic, Norwegian and Dutch, while Eastern European languages remain somewhat underrepresented. What that means is that there may be considerable room for translation into those languages. For example, the cost of translating a literary book varies depending on a large number of variables that directly affect pricing, including how many pages are required to be translated, the target language, and the complexity of the text to be translated.

What is the importance of literary translation?

Translation of literary text takes a closer look at literature and ideas from different countries. A great deal of literature has been written on human rights issues, environmental phenomena and elements of common humanity. The translation of these texts helps to promote shared values among members of different societies. This means that the importance is to access stories and experiences beyond your country’s borders.

Enrichment and revitalization of language

Translating literary text can enrich target language, by bringing in new terms and ideas.

Literary translation makes us discover different cultures and standards around the world. By reading the translation of literary text, we get the opportunity to view the views of other languages.

Rejuvenation of literary style

Translating books into many languages allows for the renewal and revitalization of the literary style, because having more translated books encourages authors to increase their literary writing. Which makes many ignore the cost of translating a literary book.

Provide the best reading experience

The art world is huge and diverse. When we want to enjoy the “best”, we choose the art form we prefer. For example, we visit world-renowned music festivals to appreciate diversity in UK music. However, in literature, discovering the “best” can be difficult.

Appropriate infrastructure must be put in place to ensure the reading of high quality books. Therefore, translation allows us to read the best literature from all over the world.

Provides a valuable learning tool

Translation is more than just a conversion from one language to another. Literary translation can generate a deeper understanding of the intended linguistic meaning, helping to improve written and spoken communication skills, thus gaining the individual valuable learning experience.

There are many benefits to translation: learning clear new languages through translation and scientific research projects, promoting language learning and exploration, which results in young people gaining confidence as well as critical thinking. Because translation opens doors to learn about new cultures, it ultimately encourages readers’ participation in language learning.

New readers and writers develop

An interesting aspect of literary translation is that it encourages audiences around the world to read about new topics. Moreover, it provides an understanding of different perspectives from countries and other languages.

Literary festivals held globally attract new readers, which promotes the habit of reading. In addition, translation is promoted because these festivals meet the needs of different language groups. By providing access to literary works through these translations, it gives readers an opportunity to learn about different languages. So given the cost of translating a literary book this way, you’ll find it an investment, not an expenditure.

Thus, literary translation offers opportunities for audiences to explore their languages as well as encourage them to read more and increasing readership.

Leads to identify new fields

Translation allows for the identification of new literary texts, where huge linguistic riches are discovered through the translations of famous works.

Translation contributes to the discovery of previously unexplored ancient places, because people around the world learn more about isolated areas and people living there. Thus, translation of literary text can lead to the development and strengthening of peoples’ relations.

Contributes to economic growth

The reason literary translation is necessary is to understand economic competition and financial decisions. Literary translation also leads to a greater understanding of human issues such as literacy. This, in turn, makes economic growth easier, so it is futile to limit translation to only one language.

“Ejada for Certified Translation” includes a dedicated team of language experts – professional translators, project managers, working closely with global clients.

and helping them communicate with their international audience. As the company works with more than 200 language professionals and experts to enable companies and authors to overcome cultural and linguistic barriers, help them build trust and establish long-term business and human relationships.

The company believes in continuous improvement and thus stands at the forefront of applying technology and effective cooperation to serve customers.

Find out more about the cost of translating a literary, scientific, political, etc. book, via phone or WhatsApp (0201101203800) Or via E-mail on (info@www.ejadatranslate.com)

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